Have you ever had a fitness and postural assessment? I think it’s time…

    pelvic tilt

Your legs are the things that will carry you into your old age; yet time and time again I see people at the gym neglecting these pillars of life.  Strengthening your legs not just about getting definition in your glory muscles (such as your quads) but understanding the difference between which muscles need stretching, and which muscles need resistance.  For example, there are countless people who have an over arched lower back (see the drawing above, the guy in the center) People like this generally need to strengthen in their hamstrings, and stretch their internal adductors.  Working out prime movers such as your hamstrings will help you tremendously with supporting your spine and maintaining good posture down the line.

So many people go to the gym without understanding the risks they incur by working out improperly.  People often enforce bad postural habits by not stretching the right muscles, and constantly working out the same ones.  I strongly advise every active adult to get a postural and fitness assessment as soon as possible.

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